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'The ambassador's daughter': everything about the premiere of the Nova series

    A girl named Melek arrives in her living room and finds a dead man. Her mother, in the bathroom, cleans the blood from her clothes and her face, in addition, she keeps a knife along with the rest of the things in a garbage bag. After reassuring her daughter. Ella nare sets course together with the little girl to her old home, the one from which she disappeared many years ago, without giving explanations. She needs to find Melek's father and have him take care of her in case she ends up in prison.

    The young woman, still somewhat scared, goes to the office of her father, the ambassador. She gives one of her bodyguards the ball in which she has put all the objects that confirm that she is a murderer. "Give it to my father," she says before leaving. The man does his job when Güven finally leaves his office.

    'La hija del embajador': todo sobre el estreno de la serie de Nova

    On the other hand, Sancar prepares to marry Menekse. He does not love her. Her heart belongs to Nare, whom she has not seen since she left on her wedding night long ago. Many consider her dead, others say that she became a bird. He thinks she abandoned him. At nightfall, the ceremony is held. Sancar, dance with his friends according to tradition.

    Gediz is impressed with Nare

    The dance over, she looks up and sees Nare before him. The rest of the guests recognize her and everyone understands that the invitation has come to an end. Efeoglu takes Menkse to the bridal chamber and then joins Nare in another bedroom. “Why have you come back into my life? You hurt me a lot to think now of welcoming you with open arms”, he asks. She tries to give him an explanation, but, first of all, she confesses that the little girl who accompanies her is her daughter: “Her name is Melek and we need your help, please”.

    Sancar, who is too hurt, furious and shocked, grabs Nare by her arm and throws her out of her house. He does not believe that Melek is his daughter: "The only boys and girls I will have will be with my wife, the one who is waiting for me in the room." Gediz, one of Sancar's best friends, who has been struck by Nare's beauty, feels the urge to help her. Meanwhile, Halise, Sancar's mother, fears that now that the past has returned to the life of her offspring, everything will go overboard.

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