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The 5,400 euro vest of the Saudi heir prince that raises founded passions

De la boutique Franck Namani

Su presencia es ubicua en el reino sobre el que gobierna sin titubeos. El príncipe heredero Mohamed bin Salman (35), líder de facto de Arabia Saudí, ya no solo asoma en los retratos públicos o los medios de comunicación estatales. También marca tendencia en la moda, un campo en el que -como el resto de áreas- sus movimientos no están exentos de polémica.El instante que se ha convertido en viral sucedió hace unos días, durante la participación del futuro rey en el Consejo de Administración del Fondo de Inversión Pública, el fondo soberano local con 320.000 millones de dólares en activos que ha cerrado millonarias compras en tiempos de pandemia. El treinteañero apareció en la reunión con una chaqueta sin mangas de tonos tabaco y esmeralda que despertó la curiosidad de los internautas.En cuestión de horas, el interés por la prenda escaló hasta las primeras posiciones de las búsquedas en la página saudí de Google. Entonces quienes localizaron el objeto descubrieron con sorpresa la procedencia del abrigo y su precio. La chaqueta figura en la colección otoño-invierno de Franck Namani, una exclusiva boutique británica con sucursales en París y Ginebra. Se vende a 24.000 ríales saudíes (unos 5.400 euros) en la tienda virtual de la firma, solo accesible previo registro.El chaleco de 5.400 euros del príncipe heredero saudí que levanta pasiones encontradas El chaleco de 5.400 euros del príncipe heredero saudí que levanta pasiones encontradas

According to the Saudi press, the sudden outburst of local subjects caused the end of garment and technical problems on the website, which still continues in maintenance. His followers have extolled their taste while other Internet users have denounced the price as another excess of the heir prince. "With that money I could pay my rent of a whole year," a tweet has slipped that declared himself in favor of his highness. It is not the first time that Bin Salman's dispensions become an object of public criticism. The delicate economic situation of the country, aggravated by the Coronavirus and the drastic fall in the price of oil, has accompanied in recent years the meteoric rise of it. And, despite the austerity policies imposed on his subjects, his life train has not stopped. More than five years ago he acquired the Serene, a yacht until then owned by Yuri Shefler, a Russian tycoon, for 500 million dollars. In 2015, a palace located on the outskirts of Paris valued at 300 million dollars (about 275 million euros) was also made with the most expensive mansion in the world (about 275 million euros). The last September a book revealed a passage that also portrays its passion for the Good Life. In the summer of 2015, the young man celebrated an ostentatious party in Velaa Private Island, a super -lug resort located on a private island of the Maldives. Bin Salman completely rented the property for a month to avoid foreign looks and watered to the establishment's squad, some 300 people, with a bonus of 5,000 dollars - the mita of his annual salary - with the aim of guaranteeing that they maintained the required discretion and complied with the prohibition of bringing mobile phones to the island. There were 150 women and some of the most recognized artists of the moment. Since his father, the current King Salmán (85) catapults him, Bin Salman has forged a controversial legacy, marked by the brutal civil war in Yemen that exacerbated the bombing campaign Saudi; The murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul; or persecution against other members of the vast Saudi royal family or any glimpse of dissent.

El chaleco de 5.400 euros del príncipe heredero saudí que levanta pasiones encontradas

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project
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  • de facto clothing brand

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