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Sector news What are the most valuable fashion brands in the world?

1.What are cookies?

The website www.INFORETAIL (hereinafter the web) use cookies.The cookiesson files in a browser through a web server to register the activities of the user in a specific website.The first purpose of cookies is to facilitate a faster unauscar.In addition, cookies personalize the services that offers the web, facilitating and offering each user information that is of their interest in their interest, in response to the use of services of the services.

The web use cookies to customize and facilitate the navigation of the user.Cookies are associated only with an anonymous user and their computer and unproportionate references that allow you to deduct personal data from the user.The user may be able to notify and reject the installation the cookies sent by LAWEB, without damaging the user's possibility of accessing the contest Dedicate Web.However, we notice that, in any case, the quality of operation of Lapáginaweb can decrease.

Registered Users, who register or have logged together, may be more personalized and profile oriented to their profile, thanks to the lambination of the data stored in cookies with the personal data used in the moment of the registration of the registration of.These users expressly authorize the use of this information with the indicatedfinality, without prejudice to their right to reject or disable Decokies use.

two.What types of cookies exist?

Las Cookies, en función de su Permanencia, pueden dividirse en:

Additionally, depending on their objective, cookies can be classified as the following:

  • Cookies de geo-localización: Estas Cookies son utilizadas para averiguaren qué país se encuentra cuando se solicita un servicio. Esta Cookie estotalmenteanónima, y sólo se utiliza para ayudar a orientar el contenido a su ubicación.
  • Cookies de registro: Las Cookies de registro se generan una vez que elusuariose ha registrado o posteriormente ha abierto su sesión, y se utilizan paraidentificarleen los servicios con los siguientes objetivos:
  • Analytical cookies: Cada vez que un Usuario visita un servicio, unaherramientade un proveedor externo genera una Cookie analítica en el ordenador del usuario.Esta Cookie que sólo se genera en la visita, servirá en próximas visitas a losServicios de la Web para identificar de forma anónima al visitante. Losobjetivosprincipales que se persiguen son:
  • Cookies de publicidad comportamental: Este tipo de “Cookies” permiteampliarla información de los anuncios mostrados a cada usuario anónimo en los Serviciosde la Web. Entre otros, se almacena la duración o frecuencia de visualizaciónde posiciones publicitarias, la interacción con las mismas, o los patrones denavegación y/o compartimientos del usuario ya que ayudan a conformar un perfilde interés publicitario. De este modo, permiten ofrecer publicidad afín a losintereses del usuario.
  • Cookies publicitarias de terceros: Además de la publicidad gestionada porla Web en sus Servicios, la Web ofrece a sus anunciantes la opción de serviranuncios a través de terceros (“AdServers”). De este modo, estos terceros puedenalmacenar Cookies enviadas desde los Servicios de la Web procedentes de losnavegadoresde los Usuarios, así como acceder a los datos que en ellas se guardan.
  • Weborama: http: //

    3.What cookies do we use?

    Session cookies

    Noticias del Sector ¿Cuáles son las marcas de moda más valiosas del mundo?

    They are temporary cookies files, which are deleted when you close the browser.When the browser and return to the site that created the cookie, the website will not know.You will have to log in (if necessary).

    A new session cookie will be generated and stored for your navigation information, remaining active until you leave the page and close the browser.

    A session cookie is stored in temporary memory and then decreased brown is not retained.Session cookies do not collect information from the useful computer.Typically keep information about the identification of a session that unidentified user in itself.

    What are session cookies used for?

    Websites have no memory.A user who goes from one page to another will be the site as a completely new visitor.Session cookies allow the site that you are visiting to keep track of your movement from one to another, so that you will not ask for the information you have already given it before.Cookies allow you.

    Session cookies allow users to be recognized on a website deforms any change you make, article that selections or data that you enter remembers from one page to another.

    APISID, HSID, NID, SID, SSIDCookie creada por Google que se utiliza para personalizar los anunciosquese muestran en los servicios de Google, como por ejemplo, la Búsquedade Google, especialmente cuando no se ha iniciado sesión en Google
    LOGIN_INFOCookie técnica de reproducción de contenido
    PREFCookie de Google que almacena las preferencias de los usuarios (porejemplo,el idioma o el número de resultados por página)
    SAPISIDCookies utilizada por Google Analytics que contiene un identificadoranónimousado para distinguir usuarios
    YSCCookies técnicas utilizadas por Youtube

    Persistent cookies

    Also called permanent cookies, or stored, they are cookies that are stored in the user hard until they expire (they have expiration dates) or until the user will erase them manually.

    Persistent cookies are used to collect identifying information about user, such as behavior when navigating or various preferences in a siteweb.

    Permanent cookies help websites to remember your information and settling visits later.This involves faster and faster access since, for example, you don't have to log in again.In addition to the authentication, other webpages have more functions for permanent cookies, such as: deidioma selection, topic selection, menu preferences, internal web marks, or favorites, among others.On your first visit, the page will appear with configuration by defect.During your visit, you choose your preferences and these are remembered, by using the permanent cookie, the next time you visit it.

    ASPXAUTHEsta cookie permite almacenar un identificador único por sesión a travésdel que es posible mantener la sesión privada de un usuario que se halogueado en el sistema de emisión de Certificados.
    ASP.NET_SessionIdLa primera vez que un usuario accede a una aplicación ASP.NET con sesiónhabilitada se crea esta cookie. Cada vez que un usuario quiereautentificarsese limpia la sesión y se sobreescribe esta cookie en el navegador. Esuna medida de seguridad en el control de sesiones de aplicacionesASP.NET
    LanguageMenu_lpmruCookie utilizada para guardar el idioma predeterminado del usuario
    VISITOR_INFO1_LIVERealiza el seguimiento de los videos visitados que se encuentranincrustadosen la web
    DSID, IDELlevar un registro de los anuncios que se muestran en cada navegador,evitapublicar anuncios que el usuario ya ha visto.
    MUIDEstas cookies nos permiten suministrar información relevante a nuestrosvisitantes.

    Analytical cookies

    These Google analytical cookies cover a double function:

    __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmzGoogle Analytics
    _ga, _gidCookies utilizada por Google Analytics que contiene un identificadoranónimousado para distinguir usuarios.
    4.How to disable cookies?

    Normally it is possible to stop accepting the cookies of the browser, or stop accepting them cookies of a particular service.

    All modern browsers allow changing cookies configuration.These adjustments are normally found in the ¨Opciones¨ or ¨Preferences¨ of the Sunaventor Menu.You can also configure your browser or email manager, as well as install free accessories to prevent the web bugs from being discharged when you open email.

    The web offers user guidance on the steps to access the deconfiguration menu of cookies and, where appropriate, private navigation in each of the main providers:

    5.Can modifications to cookies policy occur?

    The web can modify this cookies policy based on the legal, regulatory demands, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions dictated by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, therefore the users are advised to visit it periodically.

    When significant changes are produced in this cookies policy, users will be seomunicated by the web or email to registered users.

    • Tags:
    • What is the most valuable clothing brand?

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