San Silvestre: How to enjoy the race and avoid injuries
The number of people who decide to say goodbye to the year participating in the popular San Silvestre races is increasing.Whether it goes with the intention of doing a good time as if it is only done for fun it is important to follow a series of guidelines to avoid injuries and suffering;The key is to be able to enjoy this special career.We give you the keys that you must continue before, during and after the activity so that you say goodbye to the year with good foot.
Pre -career preparation
Fun by the San Silvestre without injuring requires some steps prior to the race:
Realistic objectives and according to physical condition
Una cuestión fundamental como punto de partida es tener en cuenta que la condición física de los cientos o miles de personas que pueden participar en una misma carrera de San Silvestre es muy diferente y que buena parte de ellas son deportistas que practican actividad física de forma regular pero también esta carrera de fin de año concita a muchos participantes que no realizan ejercicio habitualmente pero sí quieren despedir el año corriendo.
Therefore, the first key is to take into account the physical condition of each and adopt realistic objectives and according to the same. “Quien entrena todo el año es lógico que quiera realizar una buena marca para competir o para sí mismo pero para quien no practica regularmente lo importante debe ser simplemente llegar a meta, aunque sea caminando”, explica Margarita Alonso, fisioterapeuta de la clínica Emendare Fisioterapia, en Oviedo.
Adaptation to distance and route
It is necessary to know and take into account the distance, which varies from some locations to others and according to the categories by age, being able from 2 kilometers away for children's runners to 10 of the Vallecana being the 5 or 6 kilometers averagemore common.
It is important to analyze the type of terrain, since the whole route may not be flat but that there are up and down, and this is important to adapt the rhythm to the variation of the terrain, controlling the pulsations in the climbs, where it is convenient to reduce The intensity.
This must especially take into account those who are accustomed to tape because the sensation will be very different in the San Silvestre, although the distance can be similar, both for the variation in the ground and by the cold and the weather conditions that it canThere is that day."If you train on tape it is convenient to simulate pending similar to those that the corridor will find the day of the test," says Alonso.
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— The Daearen Realms Tue Sep 28 22:24:18 +0000 2010
Start at least 6 or 8 weeks in advance
If you want to prepare the San Silvestre to go out not only to enjoy but also to get a good brand the experts consider that they should start training for it, at least, six or eight weeks in advance. Una persona entrenada podrá adaptar su entreno habitual para preparar la San Silvestre, un mínimo de unos 3 o 4 días a la semana de carrera sería lo ideal, según explica José Ramón Bahamonde, doctor en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte.The unusual person to train must start for 2 or 3 days of weekly career, alternating with basic physical conditioning exercises, slightly rising every week the distance traveled.
Not everything is running ... work strength and flexibility
It is essential to keep in mind that not everything is to run and both to improve the performance in the test and to avoid injuries it is essential to work the muscle strength and flexibility. Esto significa que es necesario realizar ejercicios de abdominales, lumbares, core, tronco y piernas de forma compensatoria, además de realizar estiramientos específicos que nos protejan y ayuden a descargar y evitar sobrecargas musculares, señala Bahamonde. En los estiramientos se debe de prestar especial atención a los isquiotibiales y cuádriceps, añade Alonso.
How to train the previous week
The week before the race is advisable.
Rest is equally important
And if training is important to rest is no less."Invisible training is vital, sleeping well, eating and hydrating properly, maintaining good personal relationships and recovering properly after training, with sauna or massages, for example," says Bahamonde.And in the same idea insists Alonso because "both to avoid injuries and pain during the race having planned breaks well is a key aspect"
Take care of diet and hydration
Cuidar la dieta y la hidratación es importante todo el año y especialmente los días de entrenamiento y la semana previa a la prueba, con hidratación antes, durante y después de la carrera para asegurar una correcta compensación de energía, vitaminas y electrolitos que favorezcan la eficacia funcional de nuestro cuerpo.
Highly recommended, the advice of a professional
The support and advice of a professional of physical activity, a degree in physical activity and sports scienceweak and can enhance or correct them with maneuvers or specific exercises.
During the San Silvestre
Wearing adequate clothes: It is important to remember that by the date on which this race is celebrated, the most common is that the temperature is low, above all, at a certain time of the day, and that it can rain, so it is advisable to prepare a costumeappropriate to these circumstances, to avoid cooling.
El calzado es otro elemento fundamental.Good shoes will avoid medium and long -term injuries, especially when the volume of kilometers of weekly training is growing, according to Bahamonde, who recommends the advice of a professional to choose them, depending on the tread and other criteria."Of course nobody can release sneakers on the day of the race," he warns.
Cuidar bien el calentamiento previo a la carrera es otro aspecto clave, caminando rápido antes de empezar o trotando suave y prestando especial atención a la parte del cuerpo que cada corredor sepa que tiene más débil.
And it is also necessary to pay attention to the route that, in general, is usually urban.This means that there will be curbs, sewer tapas and other elements that can be stumbled, above all, because the usual massification of this career hinders its visualization.That is why it is convenient to try to leave a distance with those who run in front, although this sometimes is difficult, and be very careful in overtaking to avoid the dreaded sprains for a stumble or a bad footprint.When the streets narrow it, it is necessary to be especially vigilant, says Alonso.
Control the exit because it is common for the motivation to be received by the environment and the environment some runners begin the race at a speed above their real possibilities, as if the route were one or two kilometers, and that initial explosion later laterYou can take its toll.
En caso de que aparezca flato lo recomendable es caminar durante un tramo y respirar profundamente para que el diafragma recupere la normalidad y la punzada desaparezca.
At the end of the race
At the end of the race it is essential not to stop at once but try to continue walking to lower the pulsations progressively and perform adequate stretching, after having warm.“There are those who go home running, it is an option;The important thing is not to cool suddenly because this increases the risk of fiber breakage if we ask for an overexertion to the muscle when it is cold, ”concludes Alonso.
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