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Artificial intelligence is changing the future of marketing

With a square chalk and writing on the board "Marketing, then there was all her classes a professor who had in my beginning at the university.It could hardly be imagined at that time that a technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) could influence so radically on business models, sales processes, customer behaviors and, consequently, marketing strategies.

According to a Salesforce company survey, AI will be the most adopted technology in the world of marketing in the coming years.Maybe today, that teacher would begin with "artificial intelligence, then I exist".

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Influence of AI on business models

In online trade, artificial intelligence predicts customer preferences: to check it, we just have to enter our Amazon account or Netflix, which even show the percentage of coincidence with "your preferences".

Now the user navigates the online store, choose the product, complete the purchase process and receive it (Shopping-Then-Shipping Model).If the AI is able to predict what the client wants, what prevents it from delivering it directly without the need for it?(Shipping-Then-Shopping).

This paradigm shift would transform the retail business model and customer behaviors.The Stitch Fix clothing store has already taken a step in this regard: identifies your style and sends you at a prior cost a relationship of home garments;The client pays for which he stays and returns the rest.

Shelfpoint prepares intelligent shelves that capture, through image recognition, consumer reactions when observing products in the linear.This information is collected in real time facilitating decision -making.

In the automotive sector, with Tesla at the head, AI is promoting autonomous driver vehicles.In the future, perhaps not too distant, the democratization of these autonomous vehicles will reduce the number of people who drive and the risk of accidents.As with the shelves in retail, the company of AFFECTIVE is working on the visual recognition of drivers to identify fatigue, anxiety or fainting states and, if necessary, move from manual driving to the autonomous.This panorama will impact a lower demand for accident insurance and increase the need to install safety systems in vehicles.

In commercial activity, the bots or chatbots, machines based on the processing of natural language, a subset of artificial intelligence technologies that interprets and reproduces human language, are already part with greater or lesser success of the sales and after -sales processes.

La inteligencia artificial está cambiando el futuro del marketing

These bots respond to tasks that do not require human assistance and facilitate the work of commercial agents that focus on more value tasks for the client and business.An interesting example is Tobi's, Vodafone's bot: although its reaction capacity is limited, it can surprise its efficient interpretation of language.If the bots were able to identify the mood and attitude of a client, they would provide very relevant information to face the following interaction with a human.

These examples illustrate the influence of artificial intelligence on customer behaviors and marketing strategies.Keep in mind that, although it is almost a reality and not so much a future situation, the challenges faced by AI are present, and to understand them you have to know first how it works.

What is behind artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a set of technologies that use mathematical algorithms to interpret a large amount of data, images and voice, and thus identify patterns that facilitate the execution of tasks and the resolution of complex problems.The use of these technologies, including automatic learning (Machine Learning, Deep Learning), Natural Language Processing (Natural Language Processing), Image Recognition (Computer Vision) or Neural Networks (Neural Networks), allows you to extract informationTo connect with consumers and automate processes.

With the data from customer databases, not only of their transactions but also of voice recognition and facial expressions, you can predict what is likely to buy.In the same way, the bots use the knowledge extracted from these data to connect with the client in a more effective way by symbiotic way into the processes of sales or support equipment.In short, this information facilitates the execution of very specific and personalized marketing actions.

These same technologies allow in the automotive sector to interpret the environment and act according to it, a necessary step in the evolution of autonomous vehicles.Current cars already incorporate AI, for example, in lanes and braking attendees, smart headlights, "Mercedes" and their equivalents in other brands, etc..

Challenges of artificial intelligence in marketing

The first challenge is the information.Artificial intelligence needs quality data: the amount is relevant, but the quality is crucial.Numerous companies collect data from their customers, business processes, employee experience, etc.., but if there is no clear marketing strategy in which the use of these technologies is relevant, possibly the information collected is not appropriate.Data yes, but with a utility.

The second challenge is the technology itself: it is advancing by giant steps while glimposing a great route ahead.Autonomous vehicles are demonstrating great reliability, but this reliability disappears in adverse environmental conditions.The current predictive analytics has a certain margin of error, with the impact that would be the return of the products that a customer does not want in a shipping-then-shopping model, for example.

The third challenge is the behavior of people to these technologies.On the one hand, we have the ethics and partiality of the algorithms behind AI, since it is the people who build the algorithms that the machines then interpret.On the other hand, there is the way people behave in front of these machines.The predictions of purchase preferences made by the AI systems are four times more effective than those of a human, but the confidence in these systems is reduced by up to 75% when the user is aware that he is interacting with a machine.

Other studies show that the user is more empathetic with the response of the bots when they are integrated into robots, such as at the reception of the Henn Na de Tokyo hotel or in the San Francisco Cafeteria X cafeteria, although the more similar to a humanIt is the robot, less comfortable is interaction.

Marketing strategies for the day after tomorrow

It is clear that artificial intelligence will have a great impact on business models and people's behavior, although at the moment it is uncertain to anticipate the way in which it will occur.Companies need to set clear expectations in relation to the short -term impact of AI.Develop strategies and actions that allow measuring the result in the short term and long -term benefit.

Marketing strategies for the day after tomorrow need artificial intelligence, but also to understand the behavior of people before these technologies.At the moment, this IA-behavior binomial is evolving, and depending on this evolution, the marketing strategy must move.

There is no need for a digital transformation strategy, but a strategy that takes into account digital transformation.If you are interested in the world of marketing and the new opportunities that arise day by day with artificial intelligence, find out here about the Higher Program in ESIC artificial intelligence.

Image By: Diggity Marketing on Unspash

  • Tags:
  • What clothing brands use Stitch Fix?

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